lintrans.typing_ package

Module contents

This package supplies type aliases for linear algebra and transformations.


This package is called typing_ and not typing to avoid name collisions with the builtin typing. I don’t quite know how this collision occurs, but renaming this module fixed the problem.


This is a list containing lists of tuples. Each tuple represents a matrix and is (multiplier, matrix_identifier, index) where all of them are strings. These matrix-representing tuples are contained in lists which represent multiplication groups. Every matrix in the group should be multiplied together, in order. These multiplication group lists are contained by a top level list, which is this type. Once these multiplication group lists have been evaluated, they should be summed.

In the tuples, the multiplier is a string representing a real number, the matrix identifier is a capital letter or rot(x) where x is a real number angle, and the index is a string representing an integer, or it’s the letter T for transpose.

alias of List[List[Tuple[str, str, str]]]

lintrans.typing_.MatrixType: TypeAlias = 'NDArray[(2, 2), Float]'

This type represents a 2x2 matrix as a NumPy array.

lintrans.typing_.VectorType: TypeAlias = 'NDArray[(2,), Float]'

This type represents a 2D vector as a NumPy array, for use with MatrixType.

lintrans.typing_.is_matrix_type(matrix: Any) TypeGuard[MatrixType]

Check if the given value is a valid matrix type.


This function is a TypeGuard, meaning if it returns True, then the passed value must be a MatrixType.